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Health Seeds - Your Essential FATTY acids

Our Mother nature gives several Healthy FATs through seeds and we bring them with at-most quality at an affordable price for your daily nourishments. Our Fulsome range of health seeds includes Chia Seeds(Black Chia Seeds, White Chia Seeds), Flax Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds & Watermelon Seeds.

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Health Bars – The New Normal

The healthy body is composed of healthy organs made up of well-nourished tissues and cells in form of a real balanced diet with sufficient bio-nutrients such as carbohydrates (fibre & sugars), proteins (having all 8 essential amino acids), right kind of lipids or Fat (PUFA, MUFA & Omega-3). Unfortunately, as we know fast foods lack most of them and daily meals miss many of them in right proportions.

Balanced Nutrition availability in any other product is rare and the Fulsome health bar is loaded with most nutrition to keep health freaks stay with balanced nutrition.

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Chia Seeds

Chia- one of the most amazing foods nature has gifted to mankind. Chia Seeds are tiny seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica, a member of the mint family. Chia is a bi-annual herb now, grown in many countries like Mexico and other South American countries, Africa, Australia and India. Chia Seeds were known as early as 3500 BC when it was used as a staple crop by the Aztecs, the natives of Mexico. The seed was so auspicious that Chia used to be offered to Gods in religious ceremonies.

3 teaspoons (tsp) of Chia Seeds contains 3 g of protein, 4.2 g of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, 5.3 g of Carbohydrate, out of which 4.7 g is Dietary Fibre. The same serving offers 141 mg Phosphorus, 84 mg Calcium, 143 mg Potassium, 64 mg of Magnesium, 1.8 mg Iron and 4.1 mg of Selenium. 3 tsp of Chia Breakfast Addition provides just about 78 calories. (tabular form)

Owing to this high nourishment, it has been observed by the nutritional experts that Chia Seeds can benefit people managing various health issues including Diabetes, Cholesterol problems, High Blood Pressure, overweight, depression and Skin health etc. Therefore, daily intake of FULSOME Breakfast Addition ensures staying away from lifestyle diseases. Embed Videos of Chia Seeds

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Health Grains, Millets – Back to Basics of Ancientness

Fulsome millets and grains are a wholesome class of Gluten-Free, filled with rich dietary fibre, high-quality protein, lots of minerals and antioxidants. Naturally grown and hygienically processed products attract consumers to fall back to the basics of an ancient way of consuming healthy foods.

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Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) as grain is rapidly growing in popularity because of its wide array of health benefits. Quinoa was known to the Incas as “the mother of all grains” and was first cultivated over 5,000 years ago. There are hundreds of cultivated types of quinoa, but the most common versions available in stores are white, red, and black quinoa.

Quinoa is an edible seed, eaten as a whole grain, which has fast become one of the most popular health foods. It is gluten-free, high in protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids. Packed with nutrition, Quinoa has high quantities of fibre and has a low glycaemic Index that keeps blood sugar under control. Quinoa is also high in important minerals like Iron and Magnesium and is filled with antioxidants. Quinoa is high in protein, which increases metabolism and reduces appetite; this means that your body will feel full and will be provided with all essential nutrients.

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How to consume Quinoa:

It is easy to incorporate quinoa into your diet – just use it in place of rice in any recipe. Its small grains cook to tender in as little as 15 minutes. Quinoa has a subtle nutty taste that makes it a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. It can be used in baking or as a meal addition grain; it also works well in hot side dishes, cold salads, and even in burgers.

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To Summarise

  • Gluten-Free Grains for Gut Health
  • Complete Protein for Growth, Development and Healthy Cells & Tissues
  • Low GLUCEMIC index for Better Sugar Metabolism
  • Rich in Dietary Fibre for Healthy Gut & Bowels Movement
  • Antioxidants & Minerals (Iron & Magnesium etc.) for Toned Up Body